Another FMCA Convention
Pomona, California
March 2006
Page 8

Last Day on the Road

Rain began falling during the night, as a result, Kay and I would be ending our trip as we began, driving in the rain. Fortunately the water falling from the sky was light making it easy for driving toward home.

Ready to go home in the rain

Our route home was on US 101 which is a more scenic way to go than traveling on I-5. I always enjoy driving this route. With our starting point being so close to home it didn't take very long until we were seeing road signs pointing to home. After saying our "Good-byes" over the CB radio, Kay and I changed to a freeway that would take us to our home while the others continued north on US-101.

The last leg of our trip has the same kind of weather as when we began

It felt good to arrive home and to get our motorhome backed into its parking spot next to our garage. This was the end of another RV Fun Trip.


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