Our Trip to Wichita
Spring of 1997
Page 6

Monday, 5-19-97

Wow!!! We had exciting weather last night. There were two severe thunderstorm fronts headed our way during the night. The fronts were moving from west to east. One front drifted to the north of us and the second front passed just to the south of us. We were under the edge of the second front and we were treated to great lightning display, lots of wind, and a downpour. For a short time it was as if we were parked under a waterfall. This morning everything was wet and fresh smelling.

As usual, we were slow to get around. Jim and Donna gave us a tour of the new construction that is underway in Wichita. We saw a lot of new buildings as well. It seems as if the downtown area is always under construction. There isn’t much left of the downtown area of the Wichita where I grew up as a boy.

We all stopped by to visit with Lois and George, and play with Pete. He sometimes reverts to his puppy playfulness. Pete is a little over two years old now. After a while, we headed back over to Donna And Jim's place. We had a job to do once we got there. Kay and I had to take the motorhome over to the local campground to empty the holding tanks.

Steven had a baseball game to play at 6PM, so we went over to watch him play. The game was on a field that is just one field of several in a complex made for softball and little league baseball. We sat in lawn chairs just behind a fence that was next to the first base side line. The air was cool but the wind was blowing hard enough to drive the wind-chill factor down to an uncomfortable level. The game ended early because of a rule that stops a game when one team makes a certain number of points more than the other team. Steven wasn’t happy with the score. Enough said about that.

Steven takes a swing

Because the ball game ended early, we had time to go over to my mother's place. My sister, Lana, came over with her son Cory and we visited for a couple of hours. Cory seems to really be interested in what he can do with computers. I talked for a while with him about his 1976 Chevy Van. From his description, it sounds as if he has a lot of work ahead of him. He said the color of his van is "Brown and rust."

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