This is an approximately 8"X10" oil painting on silk that was painted in 1963 by M. Matsuo, an artist in Yokosuka, Japan. The models used by the artist were two separate, black and white, Wichita North High School senior pictures. Maury graduated with the Class of 1960 while Kay was in the Class of 1961. As a result, the two photos used for this painting were taken one year apart. Both were 17 years old when their respective photos were taken. The artist was given the two pictures with verbal instructions as to the various colors – blue eyes, blonde hair, and color of clothing. The painting was completed in a couple of days and cost about 1300 yen which was equivalent to about $3.60 in those days. See original photos below the painting. Below can be seen copies of the two pictures used when the above painting was ordered.
Copyright 2009, Maurice. All rights