Kay's and Maury's Memorial Bench

In February of 2009 Maury visited Wichita for a weekend. While there he purchased a memorial bench where Kay's ashes are interred and his cremains will be interred with her's in a single container to symbolize their desire to be together for all eternity. Because Maury wanted to be with Kay to the end, he transported Kay's ashes in an urn, holding the urn in his arms, from the mortuary to their memorial bench. Once there, Maury carefully placed the urn in the bench and placed a single red rose on top of the urn; Kay loved roses. The bench was then sealed until the time that Maury's ashes will be interred inside the bench in the urn with Kay's cremains. The bench has been put in place under a tree in a position that overlooks the grave site of Kay's parents as well as where her brother and his wife will be laid to rest in the future.

Kay's and Maury's memorial bench made from reddish-brown polished-granite



Copyright 2009, Maurice Lambert. All rights reserved.